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TodoPro available for Android (beta)

The todo list program that I use on my iPhone is now available on Android. It is a beta. I've been using the earlier betas on my Android tablet and it is looking very good.

Previously I hadn't found todo list software for Android that worked well for me, and I had tried many. I'd been doing all my time management on my iPhone because TodoPro worked so well for me. I'm very excited that an Android release is now available.

I don't endorse products but I do let people know what I personally use. I think todo list software is very personal... the definition of "best" is "what works for you". So, try it and see if it works for you.

Visit the TodoPro for Android on Google Play Store.

TodoPro offers a sync service. When you have syncing set up you can access the same data from all your devices as well the web-based interface.

Full details are available on the company's website.

Posted by Tom Limoncelli

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